Responsible Sourcing Policy

In order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR), YAMAKIN CO., LTD. (YAMAKIN) takes human rights, the environment, and ethics into consideration and complies with all relevant laws and regulations.

When procuring gold-containing raw materials (hereinafter referred to as raw materials), we are committed to implementing the due diligence process described in the Gold Supplement to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.

We have established a basic policy on responsible procurement of raw materials to provide reasonable assurance that the procurement of raw materials for processing gold products and gold-containing raw materials for gold refining (hereinafter referred to as "raw materials") does not involve the risks in high-risk areas such as conflict areas as stipulated in OECD Due Diligence Guidance Annex II, human rights violations such as child labor in high-risk areas such as conflict zones, financing of terrorists, money laundering, illicit transactions, complicity in conflicts, or environmental destruction.

Specifically, this includes refraining from

① Violations of human rights in relation to the mining, transport and trade of minerals. (all forms of torture, cruelty, Inhuman and degrading treatment, all forms of forced labour, Worst forms of child labour, widespread sexual violence and others, other significant human rights violations and abuses, war crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law and crime against humanity or massacre)
②Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups
③Direct or indirect support for public and private security forces;
④Bribery and misrepresentation of the country of origin of raw materials
⑤Money laundering (participation in money laundering)
⑥ Non-payment of taxes, fees and royalties

  • 1. (Establishment of control systems)
    With regard to the procurement of raw materials, we will designate a raw material procurement department and a person responsible for management of raw material procurement, and establish a system for conducting risk assessment (due diligence) on the raw materials to be procured and the supply chain.
    And against supplier who supplies related materials including gold, we would tell requests including due diligence and risk management in accordance with responsible supply chain policies, and the implementation of supply chain policies.
  • 2. (Identification of high-risk raw material procurement)
    We will continue to conduct due diligence on our raw materials and suppliers in line with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance, and where we identify a high risk, we will implement risk mitigation through appropriate organizational decisions. If risk mitigation is not possible, the procurement will be stopped immediately.
  • 3.(Monitoring and recording of transactions)
    We will monitor the raw materials received to ensure that they are consistent with the information obtained from suppliers, and will maintain and control records of these transactions appropriately.
  • 4. (Implementation of education and training)
    We will continually provide education and training required to the personnel of the departments involved in the procurement of raw materials.
  • 5. (Implementation of audit by third party organization)
    We will periodically conduct an audit by an independent third party regarding the system and implementation status of raw material procurement and management.
  • Date of Establishment: February 28, 2014
    Date of Revision: February 29 2024

    Shigenari Yamamoto, Representative Director and President